Country: France
City: Flandre Lys
Programma: EPODE

Caroline Bournez

The Epode-programme (Ensemble Prévenons l’Obésité des Enfants – Together let’s prevent childhood obesity) is a national dispositive aiming to prevent childhood obesity through the promotion of healthy nutrition and regular physical activity. Flandre Lys was the first community to enter in the Epode-programme in France in 2005 and it still follows the 3 pillars of the programme: long-term approach, concrete action with the implication of local networks and recognizable action, open to the whole community.

Epode preconizes a gentle, non-stigmatizing approach, adapted at everyday life and its restrictions. Everyone is encouraged to change their life at their own pace and best practices are shared.

Flandre-Lys supports community members, schools and associations who would like to submit a project in favor of a balanced diet and/or physical activity.


Physical activity at the heart of the party!

A day to mobilize the entire family around the programme, by proposing a number of physical activities and sports activities as well as workshops for children around prevention.


  • Roquette
  • CPAM
  • Local Administration